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Classic Cars

Do you have a classic car? Our experts know there stuff with classic car parts, we can source a large variety. Making sure your classic car is kept in tip top condition.

Watch Batteries

Watch batteries can be fiddly, we supply a huge range of watch batteries and also key fob batteries, we can supply and fit these too. Please call for info.

Tow Bars

We can supply and fit a vast range of Witter tow bars, our expert fitters work to the highest standards, using the best after market tow bars out there, Witter.
Towing Electrics are also our speciality, making sure you vehicle is fitted with the latest towing equipment.

Wiper Blades & Bulbs

If you need wiper blades fitting or bulbs fitting, we offer a supply and fitting service, costs can vary depending on the vehicle so please call beforehand for a quote.

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